.we are the ones you envy.

we are the young ones.
the ones you hate.
because we are young and beautiful and the world is ours.
you hate us, because you envy us.
because you want to be young and beautiful. and just like us, you want the world to be yours.
but here is the thing. you did have the world.
once upon a time you were young and beautiful. and the world was right in front of you.
but, and this one is an important one, you did not believe that the world in front of you, was yours.
you, as opposed to us, were scared.
scared to take a chance, in case of failing.
you know what, you failed ten times worse.
cause you did not even try.
and when you see us making one wrong decision, you laugh.
but you envy us, you always do.
cause you know, for a fact, that when we fail, we just cry a bit.
then we try again and the second time, we succeed.
and what do you do.. I will tell you.
you watch us, because the world is no longer yours.
and you envy us.


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